The dissection can be performed in about 30 minutes and requires only scissors forceps and dissecting pins. Note the swelling of the earthworm near its anterior end.
Living Environment Core Curriculum Standards.
Earthworm dissection lab answers. Earthworm Dissection Lab Answers. Worms do many of the things humans do to survive. They breathe move around reproduce and eat.
Worms have the epidermis. Which is like our skin a layer of nerve tissue which acts like our sense of touch. Instead of having just one heart they have five hearts.
These hearts regulate blood flow and produce a. What is reproduction in an earthworm. The male and female sex organs transfer sperm and egg.
During mating 2 worms line up inverted from each other so sperm can be exchanged. Lab Analysis Answer True of False. Most of the answers can be found in this worksheet The brain attaches to the ventral nerve cord.
The dorsal side of the worm is lighter than the ventral side. The clitellum is located toward the anterior end of the worm. The esophagus lies beneath the pharynx Earthworms are hermaphrodites.
Tools are being used. The earthworm should remain in the dissecting tray on the table when cutting and you should always cut away from you. Note report any injuries to the lab teacher.
The top of the earthworm is the dorsal side. This side is darker in color. The bottom of the earthworm is the ventral side which is lighter in color.
Read page 1-9 of the Lab Manual hint. It is found on the bottom right hand corner of the screen Page 1 Questions- External Anatomy. A What do scientists call the front end of the worm.
The back end of the worm. B What is the top side of the worm called. What is the bottom side of the worm called.
C How is a worms body divided. This document is a lab guide for the dissection of an earthworm. The lab gives students step-by-step instructions on the external and internal dissection of the earthworm.
Included in the lab are several pictures for students to color in as they progress through the activity - along with questions. Your dissection of the earthworm did not go beyond segment 32. What will you observe if you dissect the remainder of the worm to its posterior end.
You will observe lots of poop and the doran red blood vessel. As well as the whole body of the warm. How is the digestive system of an earthworm different from yours.
S upport your description with observations from the lab. Earthworms have a simple brain that connects with nerves from their skin and muscles. The earthworms body is covered with chemoreceptors.
These are cells that allow the earthworm to taste things and are. Earthworm Dissection External Anatomy. Examine your earthworm and determine the dorsal and ventral sides.
Locate the clitellum which is on the anterior end of the worm. Locate the mouth of the worm on the far anterior end of the worm The openings toward the anterior of the worm are the sperm ducts The openings near the clitellum are the genital setae. Dissection mat Gloves Scissors Goggles Lab Apron Earthworm specimen Safety You must wear goggles and aprons at all times while the earthworms are out.
Any lab members actually performing the earthworm dissection or touching the worm must wear gloves at all times. Scissors and probes are sharp and must be handled carefully to avoid injury. A and B Internal Anatomy 1.
Virtual earthworm dissection worksheet answers. Find the clitellum and insert the tip of the scissors around 3 cm back behind the clitellum. Earthworm dissection worksheet answers.
Lab Analysis Answer True of False. ____ The dorsal side of. Note the swelling of the earthworm near its anterior end.
This is the clitellum. Count the number of segments on your worm from the mouth opening to the clitellum. Locate the setae on the ventral side of the earthworm.
Run your finger over the setae. Internal Observation of the Earthworm 7. Place the earthworm in the dissecting pan dorsal side up.
Virtual Earthworm Dissection Labdocx Page 1 of 6 STUDENT LABORATORY Virtual Earthworm Dissection Full Name. Living Environment Core Curriculum Standards. To observe the external and internal structures of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris which enable it to carry-out.
Earthworm Dissection Pre Lab Questions. Answer these before watching the video Define the following terms related to anatomy 4 marks Term Definition Dorsal Relating to the back or posterior of an animal plant or organ. Ventral The front or anterior of any structure.
Describe the circulatory system of the earthworm. -The pumping organs of the circulatory system are five aortic arches. -Circulatory fluids travel from the arches through the ventral blood vessel to capillary.
Earthworm Dissection and Earthworm Anatomy. The following is a classification of a species in the earthworm family Lumbricidae. This common species is Lumbricus terrestris also known as the night crawler or dew worm.
In this article we will cover earthworm anatomy and an introduction on dissecting an earthworm. The earthworm belongs to a group of animals called annelids segmented worms. The body of an annelid is usually divided internally and externally into well-defined segments.
An earthworm dissection lab provides an economical and convenient opportunity for students to practice their dissection techniques before progressing to more complex specimens such as frogs or pigs. The dissection can be performed in about 30 minutes and requires only scissors forceps and dissecting pins. A hand lens may be helpful.
Virtual Earthworm Dissection Labdocx Page 3 of 5 12 610 Seminal Receptacles State the function of the seminal receptacles. 13 630 Aortic Arches How many hearts do earthworms have. How is the circulatory system of the earthworm similar to that of a human.
14 711 Skin. Examine earthworm with magnifying glass 4. Place the earthworm flattenedlighter side up.
If it does not fit b. Cut off the tail end of the worm to fit the worm into the tray. Save the tail end for later observation.
The tail end is the end farther from the lighter colored glandular swelling on the earthworm. Incise beyond the clitellum then extend the cut to both ends from the middle out. Take great care to cut no more than 116 of an inch deep into the worm.
With forceps grasp the edges of the skin carefully. Pull the skin back so that it can be pinned down revealing the internal anatomy of the worm. Begin by identifying the features pointed out in figure 1.
You will need to draw the external anatomy of the Earthworm and label the parts in the observation section of you lab. Each term you label you will want to give me the function. Lay the worm on your dissecting tray with its dorsal side facing up.
Use dissection pins to secure each end on the tray. Start your dissection about an inch posterior to the clitellum. Lift up the skin with a pair of forceps and snip an opening with a pair of dissecting scissors.